Masters Course 2012

This 12-week course introduced design ethnography, collaborative design, and service design techniques to explore the questions: What are current ways that people learn to participate in Sweden and Swedish? What are new roles that Swedish speakers, and public and private service providers can play in supporting language as participation? What new and old technologies and service concepts can support or promote ‘language as participation’? The course teamwork resulted in four service design concepts (videos, reports, service blueprints) seen below: Lango, Knytt, PlanetEyeth, and Morph.

The course is part of the Interaction Design MA program at Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå University in collaboration with Microsoft – Spring 2012


Brendon Clark, PhD, Interactive Institute (course/project lead)

Kristofer Valström, Interaction Designer, Propeller (project tutor)

Euan Fraser, MSc., Design Researcher, Interactive Institute (tutor)

Åsa Adolfsson, Service Designer, Strukturdesign (tutor)

Linda Bogren, Course coordinator, Umeå Institute of Design


Jared Frew

Lauren Edelmeier

The process and concept videos for each team can be found here