

Here you will find references and pdfs supporting research and practical work. When possible the reference will contain a link to the relevant paper.

The references are sorted by year of publication


Eskildsen, S. W., & Theodórsdóttir, G. (2015). Constructing L2 learning spaces: Ways to acheive learning inside and outside the classroom. Applied Linguistics, 1-23.

Eskildsen, S.W., & Wagner, J. (2015). Sprogbaseret læring i en tosproget hverdag. Danish journal NYS, Nydanske Studier, Vol 48, 2015: 72-105. Read article


Lilja, N., Eloranta, J., Piirainen-Marsh, A. & Saario, J. 2014. Oppija arjen sankarina – luokasta arjen vuorovaikutustilanteisiin ja takaisin. [The learner as an accidental hero: from the classroom into the wild and back again] Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta, [Language, education and society], April 2014. Link to publication


Theodórsdóttir, G., & Friðriksdóttir, K. (2013). Íslenskuþorpið: Leið til þátttöku í daglegum samskiptum á íslensku [The Icelandic Village: Guided Participation in interaction in Icelandic]. Milli mála, 13-42. Link to PDF (The Icelandic Village: Guided Participation in interaction [in Icelandic])


Theodórsdóttir, G. (2011a). Language Learning Activities in Everyday Situations: Insisting on TCU completion in Second language Talk. In G. Palotti & J. Wagner (Eds.), L2 learning as a social practice: Conversation-analytic perspectives.Honolulu: National Foreign Language Resource Center.

Theodórsdóttir, G. (2011b). Second Language Interaction for Business and Learning. In J. K. Hall, J. Hellermann & S. Pekarek Doehler (Eds.), L2 Interactional Competence and Development(pp. 93-116). Bristol, UK.: Multilingual Matters.

Theodórsdóttir, G., & Eskildsen, S. W. (2011). The use of English in everyday Icelandic as a Second Language: establishing intersubjectivity and doing learning. Nordand. Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning,6(2), 59-85.

Språkskap: Supporting Second Language Learning “in the Wild” Link to PDF

Språkskap – Swedish as a Social Language Link to PDF


Theodórsdóttir, G. (2010). Conversations in Second Language Icelandic: Language Learning in Real-Life Environments.(Ph.D. Ph.D. dissertation), University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.


Wagner, J. (2004). The Classroom and Beyond.The Modern Language Journal, 88(4 Special issue: Classroom Talks), 612-616.

Reflective Structure

Best case: Reflective didactic model

Pdf with a 4-step didactic model bridging the classroom and the wild through reflectice exercises and harvesting. Link to PDF